Princess Aurora

This week I have been going to doctors and dentist appointments! 
Today was the doctors, 
and I got two shots! 
Oh my goodness I hate needles...
and news flash!
Like seriously, 
if it doesn't hurt too much when you first get it,
it sure does hurt later when it's ridiculously sore. 
I don't like it.
But shots really aren't as bad as I thought they would be.
I mean, I may have freaked out a little lot in the doctors office when the nurse was giving me the shot, 
but I was fine. 
However my real bravery came in the dentist office!
My goodness I know people are often scared of the dentist, 
but I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty relaxed when I go now. 
Especially that I know that there are prizes when you're finished!
Now naturally being a boring adult I wouldn't be interested in the prizes at all...
but there was something about that gold coin the dentist gave me that just made me want to see the prizes. 
Naturally I looked at the carousel of prizes, 
and debated whether to spend the gold coin or not. 
After careful consideration,
and many spins of the carousel,
I was about to give the coin back when...
-drum roll- 
they had 
Not just ANY princess rings,
DISNEY princess rings!
How can you pass up your favorite 90's disney princess rings?
You can't. 
So my little kid instincts kicked in,
and I quickly inserted that shiny gold coin into the carousel, 
and out came...
Aurora from Sleeping Beauty! 
(She's my favorite) 
What an awesome ring right?
I think it's pretty legit.
Too legit to quit. ;)


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