Loving Him Was Red

Today I feel was decently productive. 
I babysat for a little bit. 
Also I scheduled dentist and doctors appointments for my mission!
{so excited ! ! !}
And then yeah know, 
I called up my old boss
because I love her.
So we chatted a bit. 
She is a wonderful person. 
Then I quickly ran to Target and purchased the new
Taylor Swift CD, 
Now, hopefully this is a good CD. 
I don't know. 
But we will find out. 
Red is my favorite color,
so maybe it will become my favorite album by good old 
T Swift. 
Fingers crossed!  
So I'll just spend the rest of my evening running, 
listening to Red,
and watching the presidential debate. 
I am very interested this year. 
Mainly because I get to vote! 
What a wonderful time to be alive. 


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