The Battle is Over
Today my aunt, Becky, passed away after battling breast cancer for three years.
She was one of the strongest, kindest, and most christlike people I have ever met.
Up until her death she shared encouraging and inspirational quotes over Facebook (her opportunity for missionary work),
and when she was exhausted from her chemo,
she would take out the laptop and do family history work.
What a valiant and diligent servant of the Lord she is.
I am grateful that I can call her family.
And I am grateful that I will be able to see her again.
I am grateful for the knowledge of eternal families.
I am grateful I have a family that I know loves me.
I am grateful that although there are some family members who have passed on in my life,
I will be reunited with them in the next life.
I am grateful for forever families.
We will miss you, Becky, while we are still in this life,
but we will soon be reunited in the eternities.
Our separation is only temporary.
I know you are continuing the Lord's work on the other side of the veil.
You will never be forgotten in our hearts.
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