I'm The Employer
Obama is president,
and Romney lost.
since Obama will still be my employee,
as the tax paying employer that I am
I will be very involved in the current events.
I will be writing many letters to the White House on what Obama should do,
concerning this country.
All this because I value the freedom of this country.
Also because my mother is a widow with eight children,
who cannot retire due to the terrible turn the economy has taken under President Obama's reign.
So many liberals may read this and be a little bit upset with me,
but are we really better off than we were four years ago?
The answer is no.
Gas is over $4.00/gallon.
Gas costs more than my milk does!
Jobs are scarce.
My incredibly smart college graduate brothers cannot get jobs
even at McDonalds.
We have 47 MILLION people on food stamps.
Do you really want to be dependent on the government?
We are 16 TRILLION dollars in debt.
Not million.
Not billion.
I don't think many American's realize how much money that is exactly.
We are headed for a world of trouble.
Now I am mainly doing this because I do not want my poor mother to lose everything.
She is wonderful and has already lost so much these past four years.
Obama is concerned about global warming and the seas rising.
Last time I checked a sea rising didn't have anything to do with how me, or a member of my family will be getting a job.
You may think that Romney is just an evil rich Mormon who cannot help you,
but at least he had a plan on how to get our economy back on track,
and he wasn't concerned about global warming.
He was working on making this a better country for you and your family,
by bringing 12 MILLION new jobs to America.
I will definitely be giving our EMPLOYEE a lot of much needed criticism.
Since he is
Yes, he works for me.
I don't work for him.
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